The Rules:
Each artist can post up to 3 pieces of art, or give me the go ahead to choose some of their art to represent them.
If they want each artist can post one piece of writing. It can be anything, it doesn't have to be by them, it doesn't have to be about art, it can be though, if they want. It can be quote, a joke, an article, a poem, a song, a manifesto, a piece of advice, anything.
Finally they can nominate up to 5 other artists to be asked to be featured in the future.
The artists don't have to follow any of these rules if they don't want to. If they want to do something else instead, that is also fine. I think the artist should be really in control but if they don't want to be then I can be.
My Intentions:
I would really like to gather a collection of good and unexpected images. I think everyone who is an artist must have at least five or so other artists that they really love, and it's interesting who people would nominate, what types of art they are into. I'm also interested to see if this will be like a tree spreading out endlessly, or if it will run out of steam. I hope to link people together a bit and find some new interesting things.
I also hope that there will be sufficient interest that one day I could publish some kind of print magazine, perhaps as print on demand, or as a small run ordered through the website, or paid for by an art grant and distributed for free. I don't know we'll see.
About me
I'm Chris Murtagh I'm an artist from Moseley, Birmingham. I mostly paint in acrylics but I also like to use computers sometimes. At any time I have a lot of plans and different things I am working on. At the moment I'm not painting so much because I'm concentrating on writing a script for a comic, which I hope to do. I'm also in the planning stages of setting up a microbrewery. I do a lot of things some of them don't work out, but that's how it goes.
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